Blayne & Jimmy: A Love Story
Happy New Year: Top Moments of 2014
Happy New Year's Day everybody! I hope your NYE was filled with champagne, kisses and happy memories :) I'm a little sad to see 2014 end. I can say without hesitation it was the best year of my life. Looking forward to 2015, my biggest resolution is to be more present. Since becoming a mom, I've noticed that time flies! I feel like Oliver was just born, and he already has two teeth and is army crawling around the living room! This year I want to stop, breathe, and soak up the happy moments with my family and friends. As far as this blog goes, in the last few weeks have reminded of what a happy thing it is in my life. I love having such a visible record of my memories, and the connections I make through it really enrich my life. I've met some of my favorite people through this. I hope you will stay with me as I write more in 2015! I appreciate your support so much!