Well. Tree's not decorated.
That's right. Two college educated adults vs. one Christmas tree, and we lost!
The tree won't stand up straight. We have leveled and bolted and un-bolted and raised half with paper and DONE EVERYTHING. We are clearly not handy enough to properly balance a tree. In fact, my uncle is going to have to come over tonight and put some sort of wedge into the stand to make sure the tree won't fall.
Granted, I might be a little bit paranoid. My tree fell a few years ago and broke my two favorite ornaments. Thank God the few I have from my Grandmother were ok, but I did lose two. Ever since then I've been a paranoid freak about making sure the tree is in the stand properly. This one keeps leaning, and I think I'm about to drive Jimmy nuts about it. I've probably said whined the phrase, "But Jimmy... the tree's leaning... I sure hope it doesn't fall into your tv and break it," about 50 times. I don't know how he puts up with me.
Oh wait, it's because I cook him delicious meals.
Last night I made him delicious gluten free tacos... And I got so frustrated over the tree that I broke down and had a glass of wine. I know. I'm a failure, and I'm going to the gym to run tonight. #ugh
For any of you looking for an incredible bottle of wine, you need to buy Lucinda & Millie. Just like any educated wine drinker, I bought this bottle because of the name. I love Lucinda Williams, I had a dog named Millie, and we all know I love chickens (remember my chicken coop?). And that's how I found my favorite wine. It's so drinkable and wonderful (see- the words of a true wine critic). You can purchase it at the Buckhead Whole Foods, but they don't carry it all the time. When they do have it I usually grab a few bottles just to have on hand. It's so reasonably priced, and all of you should own it... unless you're trying to avoid wine for 30 days like me. There's still half a bottle at the house, so we'll see what happens tonight. :)
Usually when I'm cooking and drinking wine I wear an apron... and I found the best apron around!
My friend Ashley makes these BEAUTIFUL aprons called Ice Milk Aprons. I always see them at the Trinity Spotlight on Art. People love them! I am 100% getting one for myself this year... and a few for Christmas gifts! Shhhh. Don't tell.
The packaging is just as beautiful as the aprons.
Wouldn't it be fun to put that under the tree? The call them "a gourmet line of heirloom aprons," and I love the back story!
To win your own Ice Milk Apron, please click here and like them on Facebook. Then come back to THIS POST and leave a comment telling me your favorite thing to cook for the Holidays.
Contest ends 12/7/12 at 12PM EST.
And now I need a bit of advice... I love Christmas (see Jimmy's Christmas stocking above... I ordered it especially for him last year), and I've been waiting my whole life to be able to send out my own Christmas card. December is the only month when I check the mail every singe day (sometimes I skip a day because getting bills puts me in a bad mood-don't judge). I go to the mailbox as soon as I get home and look for Christmas cards. I keep them on the fridge all year long... which may be strange, but whatever. I've always dreamed of the day when I could send out my own. I've always wanted to wait until I was married to send out a Christmas card, which I know is dumb because I love getting cards from my friends who aren't married. My favorite Christmas card of 2011 was my friend Emily and her dog Bernie. It's been on the fridge for a year, and I smile every time I see it. I'm not sure why I've waited so long... but I do know it has to do with wanting to be married first.
Well, here we are at Christmas, and I want to send out a card. I'm not married, but does being engaged count? We've been sending out a lot of mail this year, so I'm kind of thinking it might be nice to wait until next year. I don't know. I'm very confused. Please share your opinion with me.
[polldaddy poll=6742793]
Now to take our minds off that debacle let's look at some photos I took of Susan Cross' new listing at 1776 Nancy Creek Bluff. I loved this home the moment I walked in and think you will too!
See, you could win the Ice Milk Apron and wear it in this kitchen!
Obsessed with these painted floors!
Porch perfect for this time of year! :)
That's all folks! Remember to enter to win an apron :)
To win your own Ice Milk Apron, please click here and like them on Facebook. Then come back to THIS POST and leave a comment telling me your favorite thing to cook for the Holidays.